samedi 5 mars 2011



Dark green leaves
Not quite what they seem
My soul to retrieve
I enter a dream

Deep red berries
Full of Sweetness yet hidden
Food of the faeries
Strong poison in the middle

Flaky bark, hues of brown
Strong arms touch the sun
In the woods, in any town
Your voice invokes calm

What is your song?
What is your tale?
Old, ever young
Wisdom's grail


Where do I go from here?

Walking in the dark woods
Searching for the secret path
Feeling my way forward
Deep doubts, heavy hesitation
And a turbulent trust in life

No clear conviction
Many queries, many questions
Sometimes high, sometimes low
Instinctive insights
Sun, moon and stars as guides

Towering trees to indicate east
Grass grows beneath my feet
Your hushed voice in my heart
A glimmer of green - hope
A sliver of silver - joy
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